Monday, 12 July 2021

Result Oriented Prayers

 TEXT:- James 5:17-18

"Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months.

And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit." James 5:17-18.


Prayer is simply, man talking to God and God talking to man in response. Prayer is telling God His mind towards you or on whatever you are praying for.

Today, believers are busy in prayers but are busy doing nothing. Much prayers but little to show for it because many are praying amiss and many are not praying for kingdom ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts".

Adam and Eve never prayed when they had the best of relationship with God hence, all they needed was provided but after their fall there was need for prayers because man saw his emptiness and wretchedness and the need for supernatural help and at the time Enos was born, man began to pray.

"And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enos: then began men to call upon the name of the LORD" Gen. 4:26.


1. Asking God for a thing according to His perfect will in the scriptures. I Joh. 5:14.

2. Telling God His Mind over a particular issue or situation. I Cor. 2:9-10.

3. Confessing God's Word over a particular situation or issue. Ps. 119:9-11.

4. Communing and Fellowshipping with God on "Father - Son relationship".

5. Positively thinking over a particular issue or situation. Eph. 3:20.


1. Prayers that change sinners to saints: The greatest result that prayers can bring is to get sinners converted, come to the saving knowledge of God and establish them in the kingdom.

2. Prayers that transform lives and make believers true disciples of Christ: Prayers that are worthwhile should build believers into becoming strong men and pillars in God's kingdom.

3. Prayers that positively change situations and events: Prayers that are fervent should cause change and turnaround of difficult situations and terrifying events.

4. Prayers that bring down God's power and presence: Prevailing prayers bring down God's presence upon a particular area, people, event, gathering, Worship Service and even the nation at large.

5. Prayers that cause Revival and reawakening of souls to seek the True God in holiness and righteousness: Prayers are to be instrumental to bringing down true Revival upon an individual, people, nation and in deed the whole world. It causes people to seek God in truth and in spirit.

6. Prayers that destroy curses, break evil covenants, heal the sick, open the eyes of the blind, raise the dead, etc. Fervent and prevailing prayers destroy the power and kingdom of darkness and establish the kingdom of God in people's lives, a village, in a town, in a city and in a nation.

7. Prayers that bring Presidents of nations, Governors, Kings, the rich, the educated, etc to their knees for Christ. Unstoppable and vehement prayers are capable of bringing highly placed individuals to their knees for Christ.


 Prayers of:

i. Faith. 

ii. Command.

iii. Authority.

iv. Forgiveness. 

v. Praise and Thanksgiving.             

vi. Confession. 

vii. Agreement.

viii. Intercession.

ix. Blessing.

x. Dedication/Rededication.

xi. Healing/Deliverance, etc.

Ingredients for Results Oriented Prayers. (What does it take to have Results Oriented Prayers):

1. Prayer must be based on God's Perfect Will: God's perfect will must be sought and understood before approaching God's throne on any issue. I Joh. 5:14.

2. Prayer must be purposeful and Intentional. Not casual or accidental: Prayers must not be a show off or as a mere mental or physical exercise. It must be for a reason. Dan. 1:8.

3. Prayer must be said from a pure heart (pure thoughts) and clean hands (clean actions, character, habits, speech and attitude): God does not answer the prayers of a sinner. Ps. 24:3-4.

4. Prayer must be rendered in strong Faith: Faith is seeing the way God sees. God sees no impossibility. Faith is acting on God's Word. It is taking God for His Words. Mark 11:22-23.

5. Prayer must be full of Great Convictions: It is must be without any iota of doubt. Prayers must be said with a "made up heart". Jam. 5:16.

6. Prayer must be Continual and Consistent: There is No Break, No Leave and No Holiday in prayers: Prayers must be constant and consistent. Prayers must go on until Christ comes. Lk. 18:1, I Thess. 5:17. Fervent and result oriented prayers must be rendered continually and consistently.

7. Prayer must involve agreement in  the spirit amongst Brethren: No denominationalism, no unforgiveness, no bitterness, no discord, no rancour, no envy, no superiority complex and division: Cooperate prayers are hindered in the atmosphere of disunity and discord. Eph. 4:3-4.

8. Prayer must involve an expectation (hope) for answer: There are two sides to a coin. Faith is a side to a coin and hope is the other side of the coin in regards to results oriented prayers. Hope pushes and pulls the answers to prayers down against all odds. Ps. 62:5.

 CONCLUSION :  You are to pray in God's Will, purposefully from a pure heart, in faith and in agreement with other believers. And surely your prayers will begin to bring positive results in Jesus name.


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