Tuesday, 20 July 2021

I'LL WAIT 🚏 🚏 🚏

Though the situation of life warrants_

I act as if_

There won't be better chance

Though it pricks my heart

As the ardent desires is so attractive

Seeming my hope is full 

Yet will I wait

Till my change has fully comes 

Till I reach the climax of all

Though am thirsty 

Yet will I not rush

For there's a spring of living water

Grumpy in his vineyard

Though this aroma 

Is so salivating 

Yet will I tarry

Till I'm ripe to eat it's fruit

For I've come to know;

Supposed Eve has waited_

She would have had_

The nourishment of her desires.

I've come to realized;

If Samson could tarry little_

He would have wipe off_

His enemy without dying alongside. 

Has the Apostles not tarry

The gnashing of the Pentecost 

Would have belude them

Revival would instead have tarried.

The meriment of the lustful pleasure

Is just but for a season

So I'll wait 

Till I could have its fullness 

I've come to realized 

Elisha doesn't just desired 

But tarry still with Elijah 

For passover of the mantle

"We'd not go" saith Moses 

"But tarry and wait_

Until thy Presence_

Has abide with us on our way"

For mouth cannot explain 

Nor perceived by the ear 

What thou hast prepared 

For those patiently waiting on you

For they that waited on the Lord_

Will have their strength renewed_

Mounting up with wings as of eagle_

Runneth and never be wearied. 

The salivating of my lustful desires

Cannot be compared_

To the longing hope_

Awaiting me as I tarried still. 

Though am waiting_

Yet will I not settle for less,

But rather in my tarriness_

Will keep striving for the bes. 

I'll wait

And suppressed my hunger

Irrespective of the salivating desires

I'm on fasting for the best. 

©™ Babalola Ademola S



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