Monday 18 September 2023


 Greatest Nigerian Students! 

I, Comr. Anishere Joshua (Fabulous), with the tag "Invocable Mission," hereby expresses my unwavering commitment and intent to serve as the Senate President of the National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) under the Tai Solarin University of Education and Ogun State Unity Ticket. It is with great enthusiasm and a profound sense of responsibility that I present myself to Nigerian students for this esteemed aspiration. 

My decision to contest for the office of Senate President is driven by my deep desire to effect positive impacts within the NANS Senate and, most importantly, to bring genuine representation to the students we aim to proudly serve. I believe NANS is not just an association; it is an assembly of intellectuals, the voice of millions of Nigerian students who look up to us for leadership, advocacy, representation, support, and standing against every injustice and unfairness charged at them. 

My experience and antecedents in the realm of student activism have prepared me for this pivotal role. It is time to have strong, active, young, and vibrant students to lead the affairs of NANS. I have had the privilege of working closely with students' union presidents, who are NANS senators, in various capacities. I am confident in this hands-on involvement in the students' struggle and believe it has equipped me with the necessary insights and capacity to lead the Senate effectively in legislating the affairs of NANS. I am well aware of the challenges that Nigerian students face, and I am prepared and committed to addressing them head-on through sound legislation and proactive representation. 

If elected as President of the NANS Senate, it is my desire and preparedness to foster a harmonious working relationship with the executive leadership of NANS. I do not doubt that, together, we will collaborate to midwife initiatives that not only address the immediate needs of Nigerian students but also lay the foundation for a brighter and stronger representation for all. I firmly believe in that synergy, that a united and purpose-driven NANS leadership can bring about the active and effective representation that Nigerian students deserve. 

I humbly request your support, prayers, and trust as I embark on this journey to contest for the position of Senate President of NANS. Together, we can elevate NANS to greater heights of excellence and ensure that the voices of Nigerian students are not just heard but respected and also acted upon. I am ready and dedicated to this mission, and I am committed to working tirelessly for our great association and Nigerian students, at home and in the diaspora. 

Thank you and God bless!

Comr. Anisere Joshua (Fabulous)

Aspirant for NANS Senate President

Convener, Invocable Mission.

September 18, 2023

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