Wednesday 31 May 2023


The leading candidate for Deputy Coordinator of NANS Zone D, Comrade Akinware Adekunle EBA has decry the hoarding of fuel by petrol station, charge and calling for intervention of the State and Federal Government.

This was made know to us in a statement sent to our correspondent, the NANS Zone D Deputy Coordinator (Hopeful) in his statement pressing and emphasizing that the Intervention of Government agencies is crucial at this time especially towards ensuring availability of fuel across the states. His full statements read thus:

It is said "a man does not plant tree for himself, he plant tree for posterity." At this crucial time as the Subsidy Removal will be taking effect few days time, it is necessary we all come in unity to ensure the purpose of this removal is effective.

It is sadden that some petrol stations are reported to be playing politics with this, which shouldn't be so, the removal of subsidy is like banking and investing in the future, diverting such funds as removed from the fuel subsidy to building our country, infrastructure, education, health, power, and other important sector will of certain goes a long way.

It was reported that some petrol stations has turned this to a business card and are hoarding the petrol, as a responsible state-man, I'm not decrying doing business, nevertheless, I am vehemently decrying doing such with our future as a nation.

I hereby charge all petrol stations across the state to see this as part of their contributions and sacrifices to the new Nigeria we are all praying for, and ensure availability of fuel across all state.

Also, I'm using this medium to write the State Governments to work in effective of this, while I appreciate some state governments that has swift to action, I am also writing the rest of the Governors to move quickly into action, ensuring there is availability of fuel across their States respectively, and also, make intervention to aid the purchase of such.

Also to the Federal Government, while I once again congratulates President Bola Ahmed Tinubu on his inauguration, and appreciating him from not deviating and aiming to sustain the Fuel Subsidy Removal to prepare the nation against the future, I am also imploring President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to regulate Fuel Price to avoid turning this situation to extortion of the citizens of the country.


© Akinware Adekunle EBA

Deputy Coordinator (Hopeful)

National Association of Nigerian Students


Comr. Akinware Adekunle EBA who is currently the leading candidate for Deputy Coordinator for NANS Zone D, he is from Osun State College of Technology, Esa-Oke and is using the Osun State Unity Ticket. He has from emergence of his campaign advocating on a 7-Points Core Agenda ranging from Sustaining Unity, Personal Development, and Academic Welfarism of the students among others.

Monday 29 May 2023


The Chief Whip of the Southern Youth Parliament; Osun State Coordinator for Tinubu-Shetima Ambassador (TSA), and the Coordinator, Youth for Tinubu Initiative (YTI) Osun State, Hon. Abeeb Muyiwa Abdulamid (BALOGUN JORJOR) extends his wishes to the President of Federal Republic of Nigeria, ASIWAJU BOLA AHMED TINUBU on his swearing in ceremony.

In the message forwarded to our correspondent, the Coordinator for Tinubu-Shetima Ambassador in Osun State, Hon. Abeeb Muyiwa Abdulamid write the President, he acknowledge the fact that Asiwaju Ahmed Tinubu is no doubt a visionary leader with remarkable antecedent of exceptional governance and extensive experience needed to pilot the nation at this crucial period. His Full Message Reads Thus;

Dear Bola Ahmed Tinubu,

"I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits. Today, being filled with immense joy and pride I extend my heartfelt congratulations to you on your swearing-in as the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. It is a momentous occasion that marks a new chapter in our nation's history, and I believe it heralds a bright future under your visionary leadership."

"Your dedication, unwavering commitment, and remarkable achievements throughout your political career have earned you the trust and admiration of the Nigerian people. Your extensive experience, exceptional governance, and tireless efforts in advancing the welfare of our beloved nation have set a remarkable precedent for others to follow. As you assume the highest office in the land, I have no doubt that your visionary leadership will guide Nigeria towards unprecedented progress and prosperity."

"Your tenure as President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria comes at a crucial time, with numerous challenges facing our nation. However, I am confident that your leadership qualities, strategic thinking, and ability to bring people together will enable you to tackle these challenges effectively. Your strong track record of promoting economic growth, empowering youth, and advocating for inclusive governance gives us great hope for a better Nigeria."

"As a fellow citizen, a progressive loyalist, and someone who deeply cares about the well-being of our great nation, I am truly inspired by your leadership. Your genuine concern for the welfare of Nigerians, your commitment in eradicating corruption, and your determination to foster unity and national cohesion have endeared you to millions. I am certain that your presidency will be characterized by progressive policies, transformation initiatives, and a steadfast dedication to serving the Nigerian people."

"I am excited to witness the positive changes that your administration will bring about in various sectors such as education, healthcare, infrastructure development, job creation, and security. Under your leadership, I am confident that Nigeria will reach new heights of development, and become a beacon of hope and prosperity for the African continent."

"On this momentous occasion, I extend my warmest congratulations to you once again. May your presidency be marked by success, wisdom, and the fulfillment of the hopes and aspirations of every Nigerian. I pledge my unwavering support and commitment to working with you and your administration in realizing our shared vision for a stronger, united, and prosperous Nigeria. Change begins with me."

"Wishing you all the best, Mr. President. May the grace of the Almighty guide and bless you in all your endeavors."

Abeeb Muyiwa AbdulAmeed (BALOGUNJORJOR)
Iwo, Osun State

MMI Vol 18

 Monday Morning Intonation (MMI Vol 18)

Good Morning and Welcomes to MMI Vol 18 

In last episode, (published on my social handles upper last week) I wanted to start this particular emphasis before I divert and dwell mainly on you setting your priorities straight to have a productive results. I should have brings this one last week, but I postponed it because of a documentary work I was writing, I will send you the compile work soon.

As proposed, I will be writing on your proficiency and the level of your skills and how they affect your productivities.

As I always reference, there is absolutely no one in this planet earth without a particular potentials in him (You can read past volumes for more details on this), however, some of us are making great impact in our chosen field while most of us find it hard to keep up with making any effective impact let alone speaking of great.

But it is sadden that this is as a result of us and strictly not of God, most of us are suffering from what I tag "self inflicting dilemmas", because we are the causes of the problem we have and not any spiritual connection whatsoever.

With apt, have this knowledge that "there is an unseparated nexus between your proficiency and the results you will commanding". This means your results is directly proportional to the level of skills you have mastered"

Let me use myself as a typical example, being a writer, I have learnt and got it understanding that for every piece there's an idea, the moment I got the concept, to built the whole structure up will not be too harden for me, so I have set my focuses towards this aspect.

This is corresponding to every business also, you can not tell me you know about something without anything to shows for it, you can not enter any of my social handles without knowing that I'm a writer, irrespective of my schedule, I always strive to drop something in line with writing and continually doing thus will aids and increases my proficiencies in writing, and with that I'm gaining confidence in myself, not that alone, I'm also gaining confidence with the people who have constant assess to my writeups.

I don't wants to divert my attention, but with all sincerity, irrespective of the field of business you choose, try to build a high proficiency therein, it is the magnet that will brings productivity.

This is what I've learned of God and it do naturally happens to people, God will not allow any deals that you didn't have experiences to comes to you, the reason why you think those business is not growing as expected again is because you are out of potentials fuel, so you needs to build your relevancy through proficiency to meet up with the current move of things.

Don't let me burden you with lengthy paragraphs, we we will continues here next week.

Emphasis: "There is an unseparated nexus between your proficiency and the results you will be commanding, your results is directly proportional to the level of skills you have mastered."

This week, may God prosper your hands and direct your footsteps to attain greatness, go out there and be productive. Good Morning and Happy New Week.

~ Ademola Stephen, BABALOLA

#iamHERITAGE 🌹✍🏽💯

#iSpeakLife 🧬🧬🧬

Sunday 28 May 2023


Towards executing the SPEC AGENDA, the Office of the President of the Student Union Government, the Federal University of Technology, Minna under the leadership of Comr. Busari Ibrahim Olamide has launched preliminary classes to learn Crypto / Web3 for the students of the Institution.

As one of the core agendas of Professor Coded-led Administration, the Presidency who are executing this through the Office of the S. A. on Blockchain and Digital Economy, Comr. Uthman Oladeji has declared this as an avenue of equipping the members of the institution with digital skills which is the best and required market skills in today's world.

According to the information made available to our correspondent through the Media Aide to the President, Comr. Babalola Ademola Stephen (iamHERITAGE), it was gathered that the program date and venue have not yet been made public but it was scheduled to accommodate and open to only 50 Participants across the institution community to maintain the sanity of the program and ensure only serious participants are involved who will value and upholds the impact and the aims of the project.

We were also informed by the Media Aide that this is a long-time passion of the President, Comr. Busari Ibrahim Olamide (PROFESSOR CODED) to ensure that the students of the Federal University of Technology Minna Niger State are equipped with sellable abilities and digital skills in the conventional world outside the institutional community.

Thursday 25 May 2023


 Respect is reciprocal, so say the proverb;

Meaning if you give respect, you get it back.

How I wish to know the originator,

To give answers to my numerous questions.

Elders treat it as a mighty virtue,

Youths treat it so carelessly than I thought

What can be done to avert the rate

At which it is diminishing today?

Give honors to whom they are due;

Also encouraged and adviced by the scripture

But what can be done to this pervert generations

 That keeps turning the scripture upside down? 


Friday 5 May 2023



Federal University of Technology Minna


DATE: Wednesday, 5th April, 2023




Solidarity greetings FUTMITES, 

Due to the high level of insecurity in the country, we hereby urge our students to refrain from embarking on journeys to and fro home and school, through arranged transportations that are not registered under National Union of Road Transport Workers (NURTW) or Road Transport Employers Association of Nigeria (RTEAN).

It has been brought to our notice that some students make arrangements with some unregistered drivers to convey them, which in this process any negative impact will be traced back to the Road transports union. We strictly plead with students to please always go through the best channel (NURTW). 

Below are contact details of officials of the two transport unions:

Mohammed Mohammed - 08060015010 (Chairman NURTW)

Olawale Adesanya - 07032995332 (Secretary NURTW)

Mallam Musa Adamu - 08136313024 (Chairman RTEAN)

Sunday Abraham - 09018293148 (Secretary RTEAN)

 Be rest assured that the safety and welfarism of the General populace of Futmites remains our number one priority


 E-Signed 🖊️


 Director Of Publicity

 SUG 22/23



Comr. BUSARI Ibrahim Olamide (PROF CODED)

Executive President

SUG 22/23



Secretary General

SUG 22/23



"It is a call to service, not for frivolity, and we will not betray your trust" Yesterday, being the 28th day of August 2024, I em...