Wednesday 13 October 2021


Shall we proclaim the deed

And solidarized the right 

Shall we unveiled the voucher 

And extend the progressive manner of proceedings

As the power of a man

Is in the time of his youth

So also the progressive strength of a city

Lies in the bossom of their youths

Let's Youth Reign

Following the demise of the late King, Olufon of Ifon-Orolu Land, HRH, OBA AL-MAROOF ADEKUNLE MAGBAGBEOLA, OLUMOYERO II, it's not expedient for the throne to suffer vacancy as it calls for responsibility chartered to it's demands, however in taking the responsibility, one must be well aware what it calls to serve in that capacity where the affairs of the Land lapse on his shoulder. 

On this note, I commend the crew of Kingmakers for their urgent preparations in making the process a more quick one. 

However, the current state of the nation and considering the atmosphere of this day, it's crystally clear that the only way forward for projecting the progress of our land forward lapse on the shoulder of the youth not only because they have the strength for it but because they're so flexible to take up the arms of advice from the elders and are prone to additive corrective measures.

Talking about Youth Taking Over the leadership and allowing the influence of the youth saturating the atmosphere to yield the course of happening in the land, the Throne needs a man who doesn't just contribute his own quota at one point or the other but such a man who has lived in the land, adaptive with the wishes of the land and have adequate knowledge of the Cultural Heritage and their importance in the land to take over. 

The Youth taking over the mantle of kingship of Olufon Royal Stool is a sign of natural change that must be inclined on. The breath from the Almighty and the gods of the land has make a reference on the youth to saddle the responsibility and here in Ifon-Orolu is not an exclusive that is why their is an availability of the youth on this cause. 

Leaving the good for the best, and leaving the best for the right is not only for what'd be of effective today, but also a reference of history by the posterity tomorrow. Giving optimum chance for the youth to take over is an additional advantage and an avail for the land to induce on the cause of progressive manner, LET'S YOUTH TAKE OVER THE MANTLE OF OLUFON ROYAL STOOL OF IFON-OROLU

Considering the outcome from the leadership and kingship of youth reign in this Yoruba Land, we can vouch to be among the best progressive tribe in Nigeria and the changes of Kingship tred to Youthful reign has resulted to an avail of successful, progressive, and positive changes in our respective neighboring land here in Yoruba Land as a whole. 

Leaving comparation and facing the realities, the youth have higher chance of dedicative to a course especially such as leadership than any other party to be considered, the best option to face is not other party than the youth. Let youth reign on the Royal Stool of Ifon-Orolu being the next Olufon of Ifon-Orolu Land, this is the best choice the land can ever considered.

Prince Oyewusi Idris Abiodun popularly known as Focus, a key contestants that must be literally considered for the seat of Olufon of Ifon-Orolu Land, he already promised during his presentation by the Odumolu Rulling House of Oluronbi Compound to the Kingmakers to carry along, yielding to the directive of guidance of the Chiefs, Elders and the Youth especially being a key factor in building New Ifon Orolu to be an influence of greatness in the sight of the whole world to see. He identifies the youth as a tool to be considered for the development of a community. 

Youth being the future of any society, state or country, it's pertinently needed to put a youth to be on the sovereignty throne in order to set in order the priority procedures that will leads to the establishment of new Ifon-Orolu empire as a whole. 

Prince Oyewusi Idris Abiodun also affirmed that Odunolu Rulling house of Oluronbi compound is the family who according to the 1979 Declaration is the next Ruling House to produce Olufon of Ifon after Oba Almaroof Magbagbeola Olumoyero11, he now urge everyone to debunk any rumour that Odunolu oluronbi is spilited and unsettled.

Once again, he commends the Kingmakers who have being working tirelessly to put things in their rightful manners for the enthronement of new King in Ifon-Orolu Land. However, He, Prince Oyewusi Idris Abiodun FOCUS who has being contributing his ardent quota to the progress of the Land and it's crystally clear that he's having the seal and mantle of heaven to rule the land to a progressive platform. Let Prince Oyewusi Idris Abiodun FOCUS attain the Royal throne of Olufon of Ifon-Orolu Kingdom, it's the seal of the heaven, it's the era for youth to avail the land to the desired progressive platform.


  1. Hmmmmm,Am very glad on this boss,may the Lord see you through to get there,and may all the ancestral protocol work out for your own good

  2. Prince oyewusi Idris Abiodun (Focus) is capable to handle the throne, Prince with integrity and always have people in mind. Pray Almighty Allah take perfect control.

  3. Bravo

    May Almighty Allah hearken to our prayers

  4. This is a great move, been a man of integrity and proficient, all the best .

  5. The Lord shall go ahead of you, success all the way

  6. Alhamdulillahi, I'm very happy to hear this beautiful news, and I pray the news shall come to true by the special grace of almighty Allah. It's a youth era, let the youth try it. The youth will be the one to know the way to bring total development toward us. The youth will be the one to contribute to the development of our dear town IFON OROLU be it physically, emotionally, mentally, socially, psychologically, and educationally. I pray may almighty Allah forgive all our forgone father, and bless our land abundantly.

    Ismail Muh'd Qoseem Adekunle Faleke.

  7. Forward ever backwards never I stand with you

  8. May Allah make it possible for you. Price Oyewusi Idris is reliable and trustworthy

  9. Prince Oyewusi Idris (Focus) is very much reliable and capable of the proposed tasks. May the Lord be with you

  10. Wishing you the best my able prince,GOD will crown your struggle with resounding victory.

  11. If he is going to be the best and rightful person for the people of our great town, Ifon Orolu, May Almighty Allah make it possible for him sooner



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