Friday 17 September 2021



Come ye unto me

All ye that labored

And heavily lardened 

For I'll give thee rest

Come unto me

All ye Sin Sick Soul

Drink of My Purified Blood

And will give thee rest

Come unto me

All ye lying in darkness

For entrance of word giveth light

Deep understanding to the simple 

Come unto me

Ye that walk amidst

For I'll make your crooked way straight 

And grants you rest in everlasting

Come unto me

Ye leveled with heavily burden

I'm of gentle and meek in heart

And the burden of my yoke is light 

Come unto me

All ye lacking understanding 

For with me is wisdom

Entrance of my word giveth knowledge

Come unto me

Ye that are troubled 

For mine is vengeance 

Mercy and Judgment lies my bosom 

Come unto me

And receive of my rest

Learn of me

And put on my likeness

Come unto me

And learn my ways

Incline thy heart unto my path

And I'll give thee rest

©™ Babalola Ademola S.

Tuesday 7 September 2021


Fear being the greatest enemy

Has a feature comprising it

It yielded his course not alone 

But IGNORANCE powers it affairs

Harken I tells you, 

As I put my heart to know 

Seeking with all indulgence 

Greatest weapon for the battle of life 

Then I saw the piloting power

Rotating the axle of happenings 

Diverse we encounter in battle of life 

But IGNORANCE aid their overwhelming 

We failed

For we lack knowledge of its proceedings

Living our lives 

In agony of shame and reproach 

Supposed many were aware

Of the gracious platform they should have operate

They would have bound Princes

Even in front of their Kings

For Lo I tells you, 

The weapon of our warfare are not canal

But are powerfully mighty 

To cast down evil imaginations

Verily verily I says unto you;

Unless a King aware of his supreme authority 

Even slave will command

And bind his precious before him

At every point in time

The most required of every man

Is the ability to discern

What has, is and to come

For David will have low chance of wining 

If not of the sons of Issachar

They who posses the Knowledge of Time

Knowing what Isreal ought to do in them

©™ Babalola Ademola Stephen.



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